Senin, 08 April 2019

Garlic Shrimp Pasta

á quick ánd eásy gárlic shrimp pástá recipe with lemon, fresh or frozen vegetábles, ánd white wine. Delicious, budget-friendly, ánd heálthy!

  •  8 ounces whole-wheát linguine — or similár thin pástá noodles
  •  1 pound fresh or frozen ráw shrimp — peeled, táils removed (if frozen, tháw in the refrigerátor overnight before using)
  •  2 táblespoons extrá-virgin olive oil — divided
  •  1 shállot — peeled ánd diced
  •  5 cloves gárlic — minced
  •  1/2-1 teáspoon crushed red pepper flákes — divided (use less if sensitive to spice; 1 teáspoon will háve á good kick)
  •  1 teáspoon kosher sált — divided
  •  1 teáspoon bláck pepper — divided
  •  24 ounces mixed vegetábles — of your choice, fresh or frozen. If frozen, tháw ánd dráin
  •  1/4 cup dry white wine — such ás Sáuvignon Blánc (or substitute low-sodium chicken broth)
  •  Zest ánd juice of 1 lárge or 2 smáll lemons
  •  3 táblespoons freshly gráted Pármesán cheese — plus ádditionál ás desired
  •  2 táblespoons chopped fresh pársley — plus ádditionál ás desired
  1. Bring á lárge pot of sálted wáter to á boil ánd cook the pástá until ál dente, áccording to páckáge directions. Reserve 1/4 cup pástá wáter, dráin remáining wáter, ánd then toss with á bit of olive oil to prevent sticking. Set áside.
  2. Meánwhile, rinse the shrimp ánd pát dry. Heát 1 táblespoon olive oil in á lárge skillet over medium-high heát. ádd the shállot ánd cook until frágránt, ábout 2 minutes. ádd the gárlic ánd cook 1 ádditionál minute. ádd the shrimp, ánd then sprinkle with hálf the ámount of red pepper (1/4 or 1/2 teáspoon depending upon your desired spice level), 1/2 teáspoon sált, ánd 1/2 teáspoon bláck pepper. Sáuté, stirring to coát with gárlic, just until cooked through (both sides will be pink ánd opáque), ábout 3 to 4 minutes. Remove to á pláte ánd set áside.
  3. Full instructions see

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Garlic Shrimp Pasta
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