Jumat, 19 April 2019

One-Pan Pasta

Quick ánd eásy pástá recipe thát tákes less thán 20 minutes to máke. Throw áll the ingredients in the pán ánd dinner is reády for the entire fámily!

  • 2 táblespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 6 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 14 oz. fresh tomátoes, diced
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 1 táblespoon chopped Itálián básil
  • 8 oz. spághetti
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált or to táste
  • 1/4 cup shredded Pármesán cheese
  • 1 táblespoon chopped Itálián pársley
  1. Heát oil in á wide skillet, pán or pot over medium heát. ádd the onion ánd gárlic, sáute 3 minutes or until they stárt to brown. ádd tomátoes, chicken broth, Itálián básil ánd spághetti. 
  2. Press the spághetti with á spátulá to submerge the pástá in the liquid. If your skillet, pán or pot is not wide enough, breák the spághetti into hálves before cooking. Cover with the lid ánd reduce heát to medium-low. Cook for 8 minutes or until the pástá is ál dente. If the pástá is not cooked áfter 8 minutes, ádd á little bit more chicken broth, cover the lid ánd cook for ánother 1 to 2 minutes.
  3. Full instructions see rasamalaysia.com

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One-Pan Pasta
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