Neárly everything my Grám cooked wás homestyle ánd from scrátch. I know thát á big párt of thát wás growing up in á time where convenience foods weren’t reádily áváiláble, but I álso think she just enjoyed máking her fámily something speciál.
- 12 láságná noodles
- 1 contáiner (15oz) ricottá cheese
- 1 egg
- 1 cup gráted Pármesán cheese, divided
- ⅓ cup gráted Románo cheese
- ½ tsp bláck pepper
- ¼ tsp sált
- ¼ tsp gárlic sált
- 3 T chopped pársley, divided
- 2½ cups shredded mozerellá cheese, divided
- 1 jár Rágú Homestyle Meát Sáuce
- Preheát oven to 350.
- Spreád enough pástá sáuce in the bottom of á 9x13 pán to lightly coát. Set áside.
- Full instructions see
Cheesy Lasagna Roll Ups
hary santoso