Minggu, 17 Maret 2019

5-Ingredient Oreo Cheesecake Cookies

Fáct: I ábsolutely love pláying áround in the kitchen! Sometimes my crázy cooking experiments don’t work out the wáy I plán… But other times… THEY DO. I obviously love it when thát háppens. It mákes áll the dirty dish disásters worth it


  • 4 ounces creám cheese, softened
  • 8 táblespoons sálted butter, át room temperáture
  • 3/4 cup sugár
  • 1 cup + 2 táblespoons áll-purpose flour
  • 10 Oreo cookies, broken into pieces


  1. In the body of á stánd mixer fitted with á páddle áttáchment, beát creám cheese ánd butter until light ánd fluffy, scráping down the sides ás needed.
  2. ádd the sugár ánd beát well.
  3. Full instructions see 

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5-Ingredient Oreo Cheesecake Cookies
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