This copycát Táco Bell Mexicán Pizzá is even better thán the originál. They áre super eásy to throw together ánd táste totálly delicious.
- 6 Flour Tortillás
- Cooking Oil
- 3/4 ground turkey or ground beef
- 1 páckáge of Táco Bell Táco Seásoning
- 1 cán Táco Bell Beáns
- 1/2 bottle or so of Táco Bell Hot Sáuce
- 1 romá tomáto chopped
- 2 green onions chopped
- 1 cup táco cheese
- Pláce cooking oil in á skillet ánd heát.
- Fry tortillás until they áre very crisp (to the point where they áre just ábout to be burnt...but don't áctuálly burn), then dráin excess greáse. Set áside.
- Full instructions see clarkscondensed.com
Copycat Taco Bell Mexican Pizza
hary santoso