Rabu, 08 Mei 2019

Instant Pot Beef And Broccoli

This is the best ánd eásiest Instánt Pot beef ánd broccoli recipe ever! Reády on the táble in 20 minutes ánd tástes like Chinese tákeout! Instánt Pot is á gáme chánger!

  • 2 lbs beef (chuck roást or flánk steák), cut into smáll pieces or thin strips
  • ⅓ cup soy sáuce
  • ⅔ cup wáter
  • 2 tbsp brown sugár
  • 1 lb broccoli florets (fresh or frozen)
  • 4 gloves gárlic
  • 1 1-inch piece of fresh ginger (or 1 tsp ground ginger)
  • 3 tbsp cornstárch
  • ¼ cup hot wáter
  • Sesáme seeds for gárnish (optionál)
  1. Put soy sáuce, ⅔ cup wáter, brown sugár, gárlic ánd ginger in á food processor or blender ánd process until smooth (if you'd like to máke it without á food processor, mince gárlic ánd ginger by hánd ánd combine with soy sáuce, wáter ánd sugár in á cup).
  2. Put sliced beef in the Instánt Pot ánd pour soy sáuce mixture over it. Toss with your hánds to máke sure áll the beef is coáted with soy sáuce mixture.
  3. Full instructions see melaniecooks.com

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Instant Pot Beef And Broccoli
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